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Responsibilities of Your Nonprofit Board

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You want to ensure that your board members are aware of their roles and responsibilities when you design it. In keeping all board members informed will help avoid confusion and ensure that your organization is in compliance with all laws at the state and local levels! One way to do this is to create committees within your nonprofit board. These boards collaborate to focus their attention on different aspects of the organization, like human resource management or fundraising. This group of volunteers can help your board stay organized and on task!

Your board’s primary responsibility is to provide oversight and support the chief executive. This includes ensuring that your nonprofit adheres to ethical and legal standards. This also includes overseeing financial matters, establishing budgets and directing fundraising efforts. Your board is also responsible for deciding on new board members and evaluating them.

Another crucial obligation of your board is to decide the purpose of your organization. It might appear to be a simple task but it’s vital to remain focused on your mission to avoid mission creep as time passes and to attract donors to your nonprofit. Your board can help you decide the best way to achieve your mission and create new services and programs that will help you achieve your goals.

Lastly, your nonprofit board is accountable to be aware of all IRS and state regulations that your organization has to follow. This is why it’s especially important that your board understands and is committed to their fiduciary responsibility to safeguard the organization. This can be done by conducting regular meetings to review policies.

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